ArcGIS REST Services Directory Login

Generate KML (BemidjiFire/Service_Area)

    Beltrami Bldg Age(99)
    Rental Units(101)
    Rental Unit Density(84)
    Ages 0 to 4yrs old(96)
    Ages 65 to 85(97)
    Ages 65 to 69yrs old(95)
    Ages 70 to 75yrs old(94)
    Ages 75 to 80yrs old(93)
    Ages 80 to 85yrs old(92)
    Hispanic Population(38)
    African American Population(36)
    Asian Population(35)
    Native Population(26)
    Population Distribution(25)
    Beltrami Bldg Values(16)
    Hubbard Bldg Values(15)
    Service Area(82)
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